Only 14724 fans with roughly one third saying it *exceeded their expectations* I think me and including others our *expectations* were average to crap, meaning well done I expected crap and got crap. Still a bad ending but at least they gave my bad ending *closure*
Gotta love gamers. Only with video games can a small group slave over a project of love for years and then have the overall quality of that labor be completely ignored so a minor "fault" can be glorified to such unbelievable bounds.And then(!) when that small group attempts to appease those fans with a very well done addition to what those people called a fault, are they still treated like lepers and shunned for making the group they thought to appease re-experience that small portion of their video game.
Such unbridled pessimism.
So true, some gamers are just sickening. It's especially sad when they just claim the series is dead, irrelevant, and garbage now because of a minor flaw that wasn't even that bad. They blow the ending out of proportion, I rather enjoyed it. And they use that as an excuse to forget the 99% of ME3 that was absolutely fantastic, and ME 1 and ME 2 which were each very good games. You spend years and years slaving away making a great series, expanding on characters and backstory, just for the gamers to forget all of it and step all over your creation. Figures.
Poor, poor game developers. thye must be the only jobs where they are not recognised for all their hard work.
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