@Vividnightmare NO Sir, the answer is.....it's not Snake it is Big Boss, the story arc for Snake ended with MGS4. Lets just wait before we nail the coffin shut on Keifer he has an intensity in his voice that the great man himself Hayter does not.
@Luis Torres While you sit there laughing pissing your pants, i feel i should inform you as a gamer (one who enjoys games) PS+ is the better service. Ok, so you don't get cross chat, but what you do get is games, loads of games and not Halo 3 or Assassins creed 2. I am now playing Assassins creed 3, as well as Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3 and others like Arkham City and Hitman. All for free with PS+.
So for people who buy their systems to play games PS+ is the better option. The only reason XBL would be considered better is if you were a CoD-ite, which i assume you are and for that reason i pity you.
The FPS is dying, it needs an injection of something new and raw. Lets just not let all the kids on this time, keep the community based in the right bracket and i see promising things for this new Respawn team.
I am concerned however about the lack of exposure it will get only being on the PC and Xbox, I don't think EA expected the bad blood that most of the community has with Microsoft and this TIMED exclusive could be a bad move.
@pspearman @Dictatroll @Psycho_truth @Incubus420 Oh well excuse us Mr. Goldmansachs, could you please explain to me how they are "Desperate"? you're knowledge of economics is laughable, you have failed to look at different markets with different currencies.
Please turn your stupid dial down, you have it on 11.
Like the guy said, "it's capture the flag, without the flag". The only thing that changes is the menus, same old visuals, same old game modes and will still have the same old voices. "proper good job mate"!!
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