Wait until September before making any hasty judgements. If done right, this could very well be the PS2 of next generation. I'm not expecting a Wii like situation, but I do believe this console will strongly appeal to core gamers; which most users here would consider a good thing.
My question is why did some gamers throw away $250+ dollars just to find out how lackluster the Vita is? If people put away petty loyalty sentimentals and focused on the business aspects of both platforms, they would've known this would be the outcome.
No one cares. All that everyone needs to know is that the 3DS is the way to go.Sgt_Crow
Going forward, this seems to be the case. The development surrounding Vita had trainwreck written all over it. I dont see it doing that much better in the west.
Since when do we base a consoles failure or success by a few weekly sales charts,saying it didnn't sell well in japan for the last two weeks doesn't mean the system is going to flop,this is getting a bit ridiculous...blacktorn
If this were 3DS sales shortly after launch, every gaming media outlet would report how bad it's doing.
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