I'm actually one of the few that will admit he likes COD. Given that I have to say playing as a dog is really stupid. Thats the only reason I'm not preordering this thing....(for the PS4 of course)
Thats so dumb & dissapointing. Who cares if the cut scenes were shown on the internet? A fighting game w/o story mode would get soo boring. There isn't even a reason to buy it now.
People like me try not to watch a lot of game videos of games we are really excited for so things don't get spoiled and now we get robbed. that sucks.
Sony keeps rolling them out. I have two on order from Best buy. I wonder if MS is going to allocate more? I would love to see the figures on these consoles
@brokenapples @SamehH99 Sony has a great success rate for its consoles. Nintendo I believe has the best and the Xbox has the worst. I wouldn't worry so much about the console breaking. Its $400 and will have 2 year warranty.
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