AND THE 15 Xbox 1 Exclusives Are: (Drumroll)1) HALO2) Gears Of War3) Angry Birds Halo Edition4) Words With Friends5) Angry Birds Kinnect6) Temple Run Kinnect7) Angry Birds Kinnect8) Watching TV Kinect (hundreds of trophies available!)9) Ordering Pizza Kinect10) Forza11) Fantasy Kinect Football!12) Skyping Kinect Roulette!13) Spying on your Neighbor14) Shreks Kinect Party!15) Halo Pizza Kinect Party!
Best news I've heard all week....I can't wait! I just hope that this is a new Deus Ex game (hopefully PS4) and not a DLC.
$50 difference.....Maybe its for all that lube that comes with the Xbox 1 so that the the Kinect slides in easier.
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