Wow where in the hell do you live. I guess your friends can wear it on their helmets. Now all they need to do is stop swishing their heads back and forth and messing up your games.
So disenfranchise the 20%. Wow that sounds like a great strategy.
On Another note....
Comcast was doing some repairs last noight to our Internet and while playing Bioshock I kept thinking "thank god this doesn't require the internet to play" as I played all night long.
True gamers on the 720???? Compared to what Nintendo? If you combined MS and Nintendo then you would have the same amount of exclusives that Sony has. Sony will be the choice console this generation. Sony is going to take it this year. The only way Nintendo and MS are going to take it is in the rear!!
Extensive library???? Compared to what Nintendo? If you combined MS and Nintendo then you would have the same amount of exclusives that Sony has. Sony will be the choice console this generation. Sony is going to take it this year. The only way Nintendo and MS are going to take it is in the rear!!
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