@Drilbit777 @Infinity_Gauntl @Joedgabe and every developer is cancelling and backing out of the commitments they set forth to it.
@PSBEATSALLDEAL @WoodenStick @Infinity_Gauntl They are just sad that they don't have any games to play.
@snxx You missed the one that said Wii U only sells 55,000 units last month...a 16 % decrease from the month before.
@thenephariouson Freaken Hilarious! I loved that when it came out......Nintendo where are those Devs??????
@coop36 @Infinity_Gauntl @snxx Nice one Iwata. You read that from a book did you. I bet you thought you were clever.
@ljinkkidd @Infinity_Gauntl @M_C_CLAMMER Wow see that right their is Nintendo's base.....freaken sad.
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