Funny your anti corporation but then go on about how great steam is….hmmm. PC’s used to be cool when they were the gaming and business power houses of the 90’s but since then they have become the embarrassing devices they are today. PC’s are now made for anti social idiots to socialize on. Kids and adults sitting in corners on their facebook & twitter accounts “likeing” each other. Now OS’s (Win8) are coming out and looking like prepubesant girls walls with all of you social crap slathered across your screen on pretty little colors. I’m sorry but I would rather have my console set up in my livingroom and play with my wife and friends by my side then sitting at a desk somewhere. Plus all the best games come out for consoles. I here it all the time about wanting certain games to come out for PC’s but never do….YEP PC’s suck.
I have always been an anti PC gamer. I hate the entire idea.....What I am starting to hate even more is losing my entire library of games and downloads when a new system comes out..........Makes me wonder if M$ is going to do the same thing and nix backwards compatability and makes me wonder if I chose the wrong system to be loyal to if M$ doesn't.
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