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Innocentguy757 Blog

As the summer ends...

As the summer ends, football two-a-days begin (somewhat like the television show, not as hardcore though), and school resumes, I've found myself reflecting upon my Xbox 360 expierience.

I've enjoyed it for the most part, with a few bumps in the road from here to there. The biggest problem I've had (which hasn't really been that big of a problem) is that my xbox 360s have been freezing, nothing a little rearranging couldn't fix. I sent it in, rearranged my gaming space, received a new xbox, and have been playing flawlessy since (knocks on wood). Also, my headsets have broken twice, but nothing the ol' warranty can't fix. I've enjoyed the hardware other than that. I love the wireless controllers, and the headset feels fine (although some may argue otherwise). The play and charge kit treats me great, my only other complaint would be the need for a bigger hardrive, which I would think Microsoft would be in the process of making, it just makes business sense.

Gaming this summer has been slow in releases, but heavy in quality. Dead Rising, the suprise hit of the summer, is a blast, although quite hard in my opinion. Prey is also a sleeper, with great single player, but shaky multiplay. Madden 07 was the most anticipated game of the summer, and it showed, selling 2 million copies in it's first week. And Saints Row...has been an absolute blast. I never really was into it from the screenshots and gameplay, thinking it would end up like True Crime, but boy was i wrong. It almost lives up to the Grand Theft Auto name, with a few additiong and tweaks, it could have even surpassed GTA in it's greatness.

What lies ahead is what I'm excited about. This holiday seems to be chock-full of hits....and lets not forget the sleepers. I'm looking forward to Lego Star Wars 2, F.E.A.R., Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Forza 2, NBA 2K7, and Rainbow Six, as well as other games I've seen that if they happen to come out this season i will probably buy. I know that there will be a serious hole in my pocket after this holiday. I won't be picking up the Xbox Live Vision Camera at launch, but I hope to get it for Christmas or my birthday. This holiday is looking great!

What lies ahead makes it look to be a hell of a holiday season, I can't wait, and I know you can't either...

My Xbox 360

Well, i havent written one of these in a long time, but i am bored. There is a huge snowstorm outside, so i'll most likley be in all day. Ive enjoyed my xbox 360, but it is a poorly made console. Its broken on me twice. Im gettin the box for my second one soon, and its really tickin me off. Latley ive been playing need for speed, but those cop chases are really gettin hard. Ive beaten Call of Duty 2 on veteran, man was that hard. I hope to get Ghost Recon: AW and Oblivion in the next month or two, but i really disliked Elder Scrolls 3, but this one looks amazing so im lookin forward to it. I cant wait till gears of war and splinter cell, i hate that theyre getting delayed, but its all ot make the game better. And halo 3, when will we see it? i guess well have to wait until E3 to find out anything.

The Reservation of My Xbox 360 and More!

I've reserved the Xbox 360, the $400 pacakge, and i cant wait, with rumors having that the system comes out the day before my birthday. I've been thinking about the PS3 because a few games catch my eye, such as the remakes of the final fantasyies, killzone, and Metal Gear Solid 4. The Xbox 360 though, has more games that have caught my eye, as you can see in my wishlist. Im looking forward to Perfect Dark, Ghost Recon, Gears of War, Final Fantsy XI, Project Gotham Racing 3, Halo 2, NFS: Most Wanted, and much more. Both systems are looking great, buit im more interested in the Xbox 360. I've gotten MVP 2005 and i love it. I've decided to quit matchmaking in Halo 2 due to the large amount of modding and standbying. The Multi-Team playlist might bring me back though. I'm looking forward to Rainbow SIx: Lockdown nad i want to get Madden 2006, preferably for a new system. SO i conclude this entry with the want of the Xbox 360, and maybe even the PS3. I also want to add that im starting school this upcoming week, so I'm very excited. I can't wait till November!

The Halo 2 Union

Well, im in the halo 2 union....and i think this is a good idea. I just dont feel important with 300+ members in it......u cant get to kno too many personally. o well. i guess ill stay....although ive been thinkin of startin my own union....if neone wants to start one with me ill start it. But otherwise ill stick o this clan. If you wanna join pm me or leave a comment on this article. O and im level 15 in team slayer, im gettn closer to my old rankin. Also ive been ownin noobs in rumble pit latley..... 11 wins outta 14 the master of halo 2! or not. lol. newayz if u wanna join pm me....i cant wait until sc:ct, and i might get doom 3. I also wanan get rainbow six: lockdown. xbox live is gettn stronger every day. BUNGIE WHERES THE PATCH!

Maybe I Can Make Myself Some Money

Well today my friends at school challeneged me at halo 2 and that if i wasn't scared id bet money (which i am). one advantage i have is that theyve never played on xbox live.....and i have.... and i think im quite good (this is my new gamertag so dont bag on me). So i hope ot get payed 2moro. Also Splinter Cell: CA got a 9.9! Unbeleievable.....i guess that and doom 3 are going to be the next games im going to get. im still pissed that microsoft is going to raise prices on everything and amke micro those dusty ps2 games on my shelf are starting to look better, and may be better if there is a big price difference between ps3 and xbox 2, and im a huge xbox fanboy, but money aint made on trees...i cant afford this. Im gonna hafta start hustlin (cheatin ppl for money, such as whoopin them in halo 2), and maybe i will be able to afford all this new crap. newayz guys start sendin me friends request for my xbl account, but tell me who u r when u send them, cuz if i dont recognize a friend request...i dont accept them

Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank...My Money Goes in to the Piggy Bank

I love that song my 50 cent its hilarious! It caps on so many ppl. The whole album i dont think is as good as his other one, but its still decent. Also guys i got my xbox live back! My new screen name is legend killer89 so send me friend requests, but also send a message with that telling me who u r. im already a level 8 winning 16 outta 19 in team slayer. Ne suggestions for the next game i shud get? leave a comment if u do.

I May Be Gettin It Back

I may be getting xbox live back today. i am so happy. i will be able to whoop a$$ agen haha. ill infrom u all when i get my new live tag. WORD HOME WORD! Im cryin.....sry im just so happy

Double Damnit!

Well today was a bad day for me. First i found out that that hold up was actually not for downloadable content. I was so friggin pissed. I was waiting all day only to be disappointed. But that isn't even why my day has been bad. I had 4 xbox live accounts total, and i thought microsoft would warn me and not let me use it until i confirmed that i wanted to pay annualy or watever, but they didnt. They charged 2 of my accounts. So i had to get my mom to call and cancel, but she was very angry and canceled all 4 of my accounts! Now i cant play. She said shes mad because i didnt ask her to use the credit card the other 3 times, and that im grounded, she doesn't kno for what though. I also dont kno if i will ever be able ot play xbox live agen! i hope this passes over, and i will keep u all informed if i get a new account. The worst part is i lost my level 16 in team slayer. Now i gotta start all over agen!

Could It Finally Be?

Yea today it's snowing. I have a snowday and that means no school. Maybe I'll get my xbox live on. I just got NBA Street Volume 3 and i think im 3-3 in it. I like playn Halo 2 the most. But the sever will be down from 6-8 PM. Does anyone else think this my be a sign of downloadable content? I mean i kno ppl r gonna say "they won't shut down the server just for some downloadable content." I think they would though. I think it will be Ghost Recon 2 and Halo 2 downloadable content and that so many ppl will be downloading and and so they have to get the sever ready or sumthin. Or have a mass sevice upgrade so it can handle everything. And bungie did say a couple weeks ago it would be only a matter of weeks until the downoadable content came, not months. And we have been waitin forever for this stuff. This would be the best day of my life if the downloadable content came today. I would be able to play new maps on a snow day! Or maybe its just a dashboard update or sumthin, but it is durin prime time so thats why i think its going to be somethin better.
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