How is it that there are still people who have not seen a single Star Wars movie? Lucas re-released the first one like 10 times. You shouldn't be able to call yourself an American if you haven't seen Star Wars.
Insurrection4's forum posts
Tool is just a terrible band. Radiohead isn't bad, their music is just boring. Muse is only awesome in the fact that they manage to make innovative and catchy songs like Sigur Ros does.
There are two types of homeless people:
1. The ones that brought it down upon themselves. Too lazy to keep a job. Too lazy to obtain another job. Or they felt it necessary to drown themselves in debt by spending money they did not have. Or they had some sort of drug or alcohol problem that caused them to lose their job.
2. Then there are those that got screwed over by their work or family after they sustained a career ending injury or disease while at their job. That's why I will never work in one of those factories. They lose their job to the injury, the company gives them no aid and shoves them out the door, and then their family is unwilling or unable to help them out for whatever reason. Then there are those who lost their jobs because a company went under and stole all of their savings.
I have no respect or sympathy for the first type. They don't deserve any of my money or help. They're like leeches.... vultures if you will.
Edit: Almost forgot about those who were born with some sort of terminal or mental illness. But most of them should be in some sort of shelter or staying with relatives. It makes no sense for them to be on the street.
Awesome. Finally the worst in acting and special effects is over. Uwe Boll's movies have had more entertainment than anything Power Rangers ever had to offer.
Pretty sure my electric bill would be noticably lower.
Other than that, I'd play on the PC a bit more than I currently do now and maybe actually use my Nintendo DS for once.
Anything with alcohol tastes bad to me, Lager however is possibly the worst thing I've ever tasted... and the taste doesn't go away easy either which only makes it worse.
A fighting game maxing a system out graphically? Hahaha, what a laugh. It's probably going to be a shooter or open world game. Black was the limit of the Xbox and PS2, Perfect Dark was the limit of the N64, Twilight Princess was the limit of the Gamecube. Fighting games don't usually have a whole lot going on outside of the two fighters on the stage so no matter how pretty it looks, dev's will not be able to max out a system with a fighting game.
For a thread to end all threads, this thread is a disappointment... The first 2 thirds is nothing but a bunch of wall of mangled specs that don't appear to belong to anything. The final third is just a mess.
-Halo 3 is a bit overrated.
-The PS3 is not a POS.
-Half Life 2 has the best single player campaign even for an FPS. It is NOT overrated.
-FPS' are really better played on the PC.
-Killzone 2, Gears of War, and Uncharted are in three different genres. It's kinda pointless to compare them in terms of gameplay.
-As of this moment, the PS3 and Xbox 360 are practically at the same level in terms of graphics. The differences between consoles are minimal and completely pointless to point out.
That's all I can think of. I'm going to go watch Watchmen, dammit!
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