my twin watches both those shows and i occasianly sit down and try to figure out whats going on. i watched the final episode of basilisk with him and the only thing i could say is... wow, they defintly killed themselves. that sucks
energy drinks dont have an effect on me (caffine doesnt either, come to think of it...) but i love the red full throttle. i dont need rockstar to feel like one, becuase i already am.
if you want to blame the cause of all of this, blame political correctness. Out of all the domestic problems in the United States, this definitly is up there on the list. These days you can't say a thing without offending someone. If political correctness worked, I'd be able to say God in public, courthouses would be able to display the 10 Commandments and so on. Instead we a society that is genearlly agaisnt white Christian males. We all know white christian males have done evil things in the past, like genocide, slavery and so on, but why should I be punished for something I didn't do? I'm not the one who commited those acts. Nazis killed Catholics, Gypsys and Germans who opposed the war (all of which my family is part of) but I dont hate Germans today. Feminists complain becuase the government isnt the way they want it. They use the issue of gender just as a cover up for the ideals which they support. America needs to tear thier eyes away from thier TVs and thier obsessions with celebrities and realize the truths out there.
i remember a few summers back, my friend would bring over his copy of melee (i think im the only gc owner in the world who doesnt have it...) and he, my twin and I would play it for hours. Every day it was the same routine, my buddy would come over, we would play for 6,7 hours, and it would awesome. I was going through my "videogames only" phase of my life when thats all I cared about, and I was decent at melee to begin with, but all three of us got amazing at melee. my friend and brother mastered wavedashing, but i was more into the actual fighting. by the time the summer was over, we were melee gods. then my friend moved to another neighborhood down the street, and i havent played it since. but i still want this game.
I'm sorry pal, but that song sucks. Most of the newer hip-hop sucks. Hip-hop is repition, I don't want to hear the same thing over and over again. Also, all hip-hop and rap is is partying, drugs, sex, violence, cars, and bragging. That's why I gave up on it, becuase I realized it was stupid, and this song only fuels my argument.
Everyone I've talked to who has played a Wii has said they loved it, and wanted one for themselves. I want a Wii. Badly. But I also want a 360 and PS3 badly. So for me, the enemy isn't Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft, it's my empty wallet. Also, I do agree that graphics do have a large effect on a game, but honestly, I think the Wiis motion control makes games more fun. I would rahter play a decent looking game where I can directly control something like a sword, then a beautiful game where I press buttons to trigger attacks... but that's my thoughts. Feel the love, man.
you're kidding me, right? "Manbearpig doesn't care who you are or what you've done, he just wants to get you!" or my other favorite, "Everyone is superstoked on me... even if they don't know it." Al Gore is pathetic. If people had half a brain they could understand that.
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