I found it perfectly and I just registered for a PSN account last month. Are you logged in when you download?They're working on emulating and translating versions for the US. We'll get them sometime. What I hate is that whenever I want one, it dissapers. I was about to buy Resident Evil, but I can't find it anymore:(
IpodHero176's forum posts
Agitos XIII, Birth By Sleep, and Parasite Eve 3 to name a few.I was wondering since Square Enix has made a PSP FF Every year since 2007 (the 2007 FF was War of the Lions) what are they gonna make for the PSP next year? Probably Final Fantasy Agito XIII?
Then it was a nice try. I'm outta ideas, never heard of that kinda problem on good cards. Probably the games bug, or you have some really old software, who knows.duck_massacreMy software is 5.51
Easy. Select the "game" (or video or music doesnt matter) on psp main menu, press triangle for options and then press x for information. There you sholud see an amount of free space and status of that Magic Gate thing. I dont know what that Magic Gate is but its 100% way to discover if your card is a garbage or not. Fake cards never support it. Give it a try.duck_massacreI did it and it said that MagicGate is supported.
See if your memory stick supports MagicGate. If not - you have a fake card (there are a lot of those complains in ex-USSR countries ) which can give problems like that in a random game and in a random place of that game. The only possible solution is buyng a new card, which is not THAT expensive. If it doed - i dont know, it may be the games issues or something.duck_massacreIt's a memory stick PRO duo I bought at Wal-Mart. I have 3 PS1 games on it and it only happens with Wild Arms. What is MagicGate anyways?
Everytime I get into a boss battle in Wild Arms(bought from PSN), the game will freeze up. The first time, I just turned it off, but after the second time, I had to remove the battery to turn it off. What's wrong with it?:?
There's plenty kinds of sequels.. direct sequels, indirect sequels, prequels, planned trilogies (god forbid) and so on. I for one would like to see more, alternative ending sequels.
And by that I mean a direct sequel that picks up around where the last one left off, though as if the last game ended differently. As if someone went back in time and changed the outcome of history. The sequel where the hero from the last game failed. I think that would be pretty sweet. Like if you spentthe wholefirst game preventing the end of the world, it would be interesting to see in the sequelhow the world, and the characters you got to know turn out if the past hero had failed.
Stuff like that. I think would be a fresh take for a sequel filled industry.
Valkyrie Profile Silmeria does something similar to that. You should check out that series.Wait, you pay $25 for one year? I pay $14 for a year. I subscribe to GI, but I don't read it as often since I get most of my gaming news from Kotaku first. I still like it though.I love that magazine because of it's previews that come out so early. Plus it's relatively cheap, like 12 (1 year) issues for $25. Their reviews are ok most of the time but I don't really pay much attention to them.
here everyone can post any moment in any game for any platorm where all they could do is say wtf..? I'll start In cod 4 when: You line up a head-shot with a sniper rifle with stopping power and it either chooses not to register your perfectly aimed shot, or decides that getting shot in the head with a 50 caliber bullet is only slightly painful- but in no way fatal. You empty an entire P-90 clip into somebody's chest, even see the cross-hair change and hear the bullet "thwiping" sounds it makes when your shots make contact, they still live, and hit you once with a shotgun 12 feet away and you die. When you spawn in the exact same spot you just died.. or into a grenade that was cooked so you spawn then blow up, then spawn again. The fact that because of Infinity Wards new love child CoDMW2(yes i'm excited), they wont ever bother to fix the in game wall humping glitches where you can put yourself UNDERGROUND and kill people without ever being shot at. The fact that juggernaut exists at all. Snipers who use last stand just so they can make you wait an extra 10 seconds for your kill points and no helicopter for you. Paying for maps you can get for free if only you had the Pc version, but then no xbox live In bioshock when: you've researched ++ damage w/ the camera, have the damage increase on your machine gun, and are using anti-personnel rounds, but it still takes almost a whole clip to kill a spider splicer.. wtf? when you try to hack a machine- and realize early on u already **** up because you either A) needed to change out the VERY FIRST PIECE on the tube (retarted).. or B) by some anti-miracle of randomization, there was no way to hack that machine at all. Ninja gaiden 2: 3 words - Exploding Shiruken Ninjas After the fight with genshin on the airplane where you immediately afterward have to fight a giant, volcanic...prehistoric.. armadillo...?? wtf??? The entire game on hard FEAR 2 To me the whole game was garbage compared to the first.. but the ending really made it 5$ bargain bin worthy. Sonic 3 / sonic and knuckles: Special stages were evil Super sonic had to be a dragon ball Z reference... Resident Evil: Code veronica- got all the way to the last boss, didn't have the magnum, or any ammo and had to completely restart the game/LokiKTF
The Communication towers in MGS1 and running through them with enemies on you butt. If you're not far enough away from a pole, you hide behind it and get shot up.
Xenosaga is one game I want to see make-over port. (kind of like Persona 3 port)
Due to PS1 limitation, the graphics were very muddy. Cleaning that up would be nice.
and most importantly... Xenogear was released in incomplete form. I want a port to PSP version with upgrades, and completed form of the game.
Yea there should be a remake that isn't rushed this time around. No budget and time issus this time around right? Maybe they are doing that as we speak, but I wouldn't get my hopes up about it.
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