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IppaiMetaru Blog

Tatsunoko vs Capcom

.......... is one of the funnest fighting games I've ever played :D

I love it, but i wish i had time to play it to practice. My ryu is pretty good but i need to practice my megaman (since im used to the megaman in mvc2) but either way, Im having fun with the game. As you can tell I'm mostly on my 360 but since my friend asked for his SFIV back ill be playing TvC more often now. However, I preordered SSIV so ill be getting that the day it comes out :)

A little misunderstanding

So remember when I said my dad bought me the 360? Well, it was actually my grandparents. It was still for the same reason but they were actually gonna buy me a laptop, but since the store they were in ran out of laptops my dad told them to buy a 360 for me. When I found out i was amazed because my grandparents usually never buy me anything, they just give me money. But regardless I am still happy and am thankful they bought me the console.

I have Live now and my gt is Ritch Beast RB. Add me if you like.

My main games are currently SFIV and Marvel vs Capcom 2 right now. I'll be getting MW2, L4D2, & hopefully Blazblue though. Just dont know when.

After 3 years on this damn website

.......... I finally have a 360 :o

Yeah, my dad bought it on Friday and just gave it to me. He said he only gave it to me early for getting High Honors the last marking period and make sure to keep it up. I made a gamertag and everything, but I dont have live yet, still waiting on that. I unfortanetly only have two games, Lego Indiana Jones/ Kung Fu Panda (lol it came with the bundle :P) and The Force Unleashed. My friend let me borrow his SFIV and COD4 games in the meantime. I plan on getting my own copy of SFIV (or just wait till Super SFIV comes out) and MW2.

When I get live I'll post my gamertag later on


Oh Emm Gee

The new zelda artwork rapes :o Since it's supposedly set in a new era I'm hoping it has some connection to Zelda MM. I recently played MM again and I simply enjoyed it. It was too fun and I'll probably play it again to finish the rest of the sidequests. Since I finished MM i started playing Zelda Alttp. As you guys know I'm one huge Zelda fanboy so when I have nothing else to play and I dont feel likebrawlingI'm gonna play a Zelda game :P

I really wasn't excited for E3 this year. I completly forgot about it until someone on my clan's chat metioned it and i was like "oh ****" So I signed on here to see what was up. Turns out there's still a chance that I might be playing more games this year. Other than that, I wasn't really excited for anything (other than the new Zelda :D)

My life's been the same. I recently got braces on the bottom of my teeth and I'm still getting used to them. The week of my birthday I ended up getting my permit but i just started practicing driving now. My problem supposedly is I drive a little close to the side walk and I speed a little. But I'm sure I'll be able to fix that soon. I'm going to Cali for the summer :D July 1st! First time I'm going far on a trip so I'm sure I'll have a blast.


Very Important!

lol got your attention!

Well anyways, today is my bornday. 17 son! Damn, I feel old XD I only came on to tell you guys :P

This account is 3 years old now o_O wow, time flys huh


Oh so you thought I was gone?


Well, you were right a bit. I barely go on this site nor I care to come back on. My good friends from the site probably left already, or I'm able to keep in contact with them outside this site. The only reason I keep coming on here is to say a few hellos to my buddies who I can't talk with outside GS.

My gaming interests have gone down as well..... I remember back then I was like "Oh I'm getting a 360! This game! That game! Well, I really don't care if I just own a Wii and I play Brawl and only Brawl. I still enjoy the game even after having it for over a year, and I'm pretty sure it's going to stay like that until it dies down (which it won't if you play it at a competitive level) I'm not going to lie though, I still want to play games like RE5 and Gears 2 but sadly I can't find the money, time, nor interest to attempt to play them :P All I really do is play Brawl on Wi-Fi (or offline with Friends) or just chill with my friends. I got back into exercising again so I've been doing alot of sit ups and push ups lately and drinking alot of water :P

Well, to continue things from the last blog, I beat Okami like months ago. It was a great game and it'll probably be the only game I'll go back to when I'm bored as hell XD I never finished Sonic Unleashed nor do I plan to finish it....and I only play RB1 & 2 or GHWT when friends come over....

In other news,a couple weeks ago I bought me an old 4 Gig Ipod Nano from one ofmy closefriends for only 35 bucks (only cuz she got a new one XD) So I'm happy with that. My grandma passed recently, R.I.P. to her..... and I think I've fallen for a girl in my class XD My birthday is coming up (April 22nd) so that's great news, I'll be 17 and finally work on getting a permit to drive/ and a job. The only way I'm getting money is babysitting 3 kids at 5 am to 6 am everyday before school, but the past 2 weeks I took a break and gave the job to my sis, used to get payed$50.I'll be doing it again next week, though.

So yeah, thank you if you read all of this XD I'm done with writing blogs and maybe GS in general, but I'll visit the forum from time to time.

Happy Holidays and have a happy new year

...... damn you generic blog title

So yeah, my christmas was good this year. Here's what i got

From Parents:
CoD: W@W
Okami Wii
Sonic Unleashed

From Friends:
GH Wireless Guitar
GHWT (it was originally RB2 but since my sis got it i exchanged it)
2000 Wii Points (not getting this till like i go back to school since my friend didnt go to school for our secret santa crap)
some other gift a friend is giving me (see above)

Gifts i bought for friends were MGS4, another one $20 microsoft points, and i still some people presents lol. God damn money issues, o well

Hope you guys had a good christmas and since im too lazy to make another blog soon have a good new years :P

Holiday Season is coming up....

.....and i dont know what to get D: My parents asked me what i want for christmas and they want to know by friday (Black friday lolololz cheap bastards) so the first thing i said was a 360 and they called me crazy and asked me why would i want it for if i have a Wii and i play that enough (playing only one game >__>) and also i figured if i would get a 360 i would need a job so that's out of hand, i could only think of 3 wii games

CoD:WaW, Sonic Unleashed, and Okami Wii.

Dunno what else to get, help me out here

Actually that's probably already enough cuz last christmas i got 3 wii games too :P

Sooo.... Epic updatez

Uhh, life's great? well, for me at least. Even only playing 1 game (and ya'll should know what it is :P) yeah, its still good. I even went to my very first tourney(54 teams, i placed 25th, and 170+ for singles, good thing i didnt stay for that :P) not too long ago, was a learning experience and i definelty cant wait for the next time i go to a tourney. My grades for school arent too bad, just grades havent been put in and once they are ill be having no D's and F's for the first time in a couple years XD friend stuff its been going good too.

So yeah, nothing new, how's it been for you guys?

i only made this blog cuz my last one was on august and im bored, i have a 4 day weekend :D. Hopefully i get more than 2 comments this time >__>

also, if you're bored and wanna see my epic linkzorz on brawl, check out my youtube page



It's been at least 20 days since my last one....

Let's see here, ive already beaten Star Fox 64, was great, brought back lots of memories. Bt i couldnt beat Star Wolf for some reason so i tried my best to keep the whole team alive, and then i kicked their asses, bastards. I was recently at my friend Vanessa's Sweet Sixteen party, and damn, what a party that was, i know she was happy :P Then i had some couple friends over, justin came over to check if his brawl disc works on my wii and it didnt, so it sucks for him to buy another brawl game AGAIN. Sucks to have his sisters :P School starts this wednesday, im not sad at all, im glad this summer is almost over :P I still come on gs everyday it's just im not active in the forums, but i still read topics from time to time, and who knows, you might see me post in your union :o

So yeah, besides that, everythings been the same, still brawling like crazy, and if you want to watch some vids, go watch them nao i might upload them to gs if i dont get lazy. Btw, you're never getting videos of me using my main :P