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Iraqi_Gangster Blog

Reviews, reviews and reviews!

Hi guys! I just wanted you to know that I started writing reviews. So far I uploaded two reviews which are about NG 2 and GTA IV. Tell me what you think about them. Please be honest about it, I don't wanna sound like a fanboy in it.

Currently I'm writing a review on DMC 4. I want to review Halo 3, Gears of War and almost every game in my collection so I'll be busy with them. Also check the original DMC 4 theme song

Piracy and Hardware Sales

Have you ever thought why the Wii (in the first place) and the Xbox 360 (in the second place) are better than the Playstation 3 (don't be a fanboy) in console sales. Have you ever thought that these two console are easy to hack? Because they use DVDs, their games are easily pirated and really hurting their software sales.

The PS3 uses Blu-Ray which is still expensive to buy re-writable discs (each costs 25$) so it would be loss more than profit to pirate the PS3's game. While the Xbox 360 has tons of sites that offer free games and stealth patched (makes you play Live without MS knowing that you play pirated games). That raises the consoles sales right? but in return hurts the software sales greatly.

Take Sony's homeland for example, Japan. In there the PSP has great hardware sales but horrible software sales because when Sony released the 1.5 firmware, it allowed hackers to copy games from the UMDs and play it on the memory stick. Hackers allowed custom themes before Sony did, it even allowed to install the xbox 360 dashboard on your PSP! This is why the DS has better software sales than the PSP.

In Third World countries, piracy depends who is the winner. Consoles cannot be hacked are not welcome. Take where I live for example. PSP are sold like butter but their games remain on the shelves to collect dust and PS3 are cheap but the games are expensive. People can't afford that. The PS2 sold 120 million unit and it was hacked as hell.

What do you think about the impact of piracy on hardware sales? Do you think it has a small part of increasing the hardware sales and damage the software sales?

About Me

Hello all! I'm a 15 year old hardcore player on PC and formerly on 360. I like games a lot! And I like modding them too but I'm a noob at it! I know the basics of modelling on 3D Max 9 and I try to learn more about them.
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