errr i dont know this man on my avatar,i justgrabbed it on photobucket becuz it looks cool..what is union that ur asking me to create?sorry i dont know dat bcuz im just a newbie here..i jst start goin' here yesterday..
whats up w/ my ava?to all of u..ah AGF is a group founded in "FUSE T.V" ...oh crap sorry for my englishcorrect it if im wrong..
i think GH is better than RB..i cant judge one of that gamesbecause i didnt yet played thatRB..i only played GH 2 and 3..but i heard some rumors?about DRUM is true?
now i dont have any members...i create this group to meet more just a newbie here..i will give a nickname each and everyone (future members and current mmbers)of you...FOUNDATION : March 31, 2008FOUNDER : IsaeuXalfredCurrent Members :IsaeuXalfred*open for new members*post here if u want to join our AGF club tnx!!
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