Is the difference betweem the X4 and X3 really different?
cause i dont want to buy one that is not as good, or even close to as good.papardarpop
The X4 is Dolby Digital and the X3/X1 are stereo. The biggest difference between the sound is that Dolby extends the sound cues, whereas stereo sound is more "in your head". In other words, if you're playing COD4 or Halo 3 and the other team has a guy running around with a sniper rifle, Dolby will allow you to know what direction he is and how far away he is. With stereo, you'll know if he's on your left, right, or behind you...but you don't know exactly how far away. This isn't a huge deal, but Dolby pretty much adds depth perception.
From my personal experience, I had the Turtle Beach X3's since last October and absolutely love them! Well, three weeks ago, I finally got EarForce X4's to add to my collection (also have wired X1's for LAN events). Anyhow, the first time I tried out the X4's, I thought they sounded like garbage--but then I realized that they weren't even on and that I was listening to my home threatre surround sound system! Once I hit the power switch on the X4's, I was completely blown away by the immense bass and crystal clear highs. Admittedly, it's a HUGE difference coming from stereo sound--and took me a few days just to adapt to not having all of the sounds right within my two ears. With Dolby surround sound, you can literally hear someone sneaking around a corner.
So in essence, the X3's are definitely worth it and are probably more than you'll ever need ....but if you have some extra cash, then going for the full surround sound experience that the X4's provide is definitely worth the extra $100. On a side note, the X4's are admittedly more comfortable as well--and they've got these awsome velvet earcups as well. ;) Sometimes, I can play a game for 3-4 hours straight without a single break! When the X3's got a little uncomfortable after this long, I can barely tell that the X4's are even on my head.
I love my X3s. But I do wish they were Surround Sound. I would assume Surround sound is definitely worth it.SuperIntendent
As I had said above, it's totally up to what you need. If you're a highly competitive gamer who plays online tournaments, then maybe surround sound is a better idea. However, the stereo sound in the X3's is absolutely incredible. Every once in a while, I'll revert back to my X3's just for the heck of it. Oh and, the X3 headset works with the X4 transmitter too, so I can have Dolby sound in my X3's if I want!
Anything below X4 doesn't have surround sound.
I'd get a X3 or X2, because they work just find, and from my experience, i have discovered that the sound in most console games is truly garbage. In rainbow 6, for instance, you cannot even hear someone walking 5 feet away from you because the developers are so lazy, and i see laziness over and over.callen3
The X2 has been discontinued for quite some time because Turtle Beach had a lot of problems with them. They only had the X2 out on the market for about 2 months because they got rid of them. The X3 is a MUCH better product, so there wasn't any reason to keep the X2 around anyway.
Oh and, the reason why you can't hear someone right next you in RSV2 is because you don't use a headset. There's a HUUUUUUUUGE difference between using a TV speakers or home theatre system and a headset. My parents have a $7000 surround sound setup in our living room--and I even prefer to use my $60 Turtle Beach X1's instead of that because I'm serious about gaming. Plain and simple, it takes a few milliseconds for the sound to travel from the speakers to your ears--and that can be the difference between getting sniped or just getting out of the way in time. Headsets allow you to have the sound right on your ears, which allow you to react quicker.
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