Ivellious07's forum posts
Yeah DS is King but the PS2 is God.
I agree that the DS is the current RPG champion, but the SNES will forever be the RPG god. Not saying that PS2 didn't have its fair share, but SNES had so many epic RPG's. Look it up sometime. It's astounding how many there are.
If you like FF Tactics, then I would highly suggest picking up a copy of Disgaea DS. Its a remake of the PS2 version with a few added features. It's also $10 cheaper. Highly addictive gameplay, and the battles flow quite nicely.
Nice choices with Chrono Trigger and FF IV. I've played every American release of FFIV and I've pre-ordered Chrono Trigger. Now lets all hope Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars makes the jump to the handheld.
As for platformers, Castelvaina, all the way. It reminds me of a medieval Metroid. Also and Super Mario game. That should be a given.
Hope this helps. Good luck hunting for those hidden gems.
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