Btw, have Ubisoft released a PS4-Pro patch afterwards ( i know it wasn’t there on launch) that let’s the game down-sample from 4K to 1080P or are we still required to enable Supersampling in the options menu?
Izak80's forum posts
@livingdeadman: Yeah i just realized that i’ve put the wrong picture there... ;)
@livingdeadman: Just finished AC1 and i did enjoy it. The setting was great and eventhough the graphics is very dated by today’s standards i can see the work the went into recreating those legendary cities. The simplicity of it also appealed to me. I can get abit tired of today’s open world games where you open the world map and get overwhelmed with things to do plus the constant evolution of ”every choice matters”. Just ordered the Ezio-Collection and i look forward to play those three games this weekend.
@livingdeadman: Yeah, i’m suffering from ”the completionist bug” so i must clear the map of all side quests before i can move on. I like the game so far and the repetiveness of it doesn’t bother me too much. I’m looking forward to beating it though so i can move on to the PS4 port of AC2 with hopefully some better graphics and framerate.
@livingdeadman: Thanks for the info. The only things i can see on the city maps are: view points, save civilians, scholars (walking hide spots) and the story related missions. Do more unlock after i’ve synchronized every view point? I’ve only scaled and synchronized every view point in like two out of three districts yet.
@livingdeadman: I’m playing through the game atm. The graphics and framerate on the PS3 is something that makes the game feel really old, like a good looking PS2 game. I kind of like it though and it grows on you. I have two questions though: Is there a penalty for killing soldiers (beyond those you are required to) and the occasional civilian? What is the benefit of scaling and unlocking all View Points in a city district beyond the first one (you’re required to)?
@robert_sparkes: Thanks for the reply, i’ll give it a go then.
We just watched the Assassin’s Creed movie and i got a little interested in where it all started. Browsed over to the PSN-store and saw that it was on sale for about 4 USD. Is it still worth a try or is it so old in terms of gameplay and visuals byt today's standards that it’s a chore to play? I’ve read some comments about it being pretty boring and repetitive. I never use my PS3 for gaming these days so i’ll have to dust it off aswell first.
A question about the Doom 3 PS4 release this Friday. Is it the exact same version that came out on PS3 in 2012 or has anything improved on the PS4 (like higher resolution and framerate)?
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