J-WOW's forum posts
No thanks. Don't really want that garbage here.Haziqonfirewell you're getting it anyways
Oh man, if only people would follow this one, SW would be overThou shalt not judge a game by the platform it resides on.
wut? why do you make pointless threads? you mad or something?
Oh wait! arent you that girl that use to PM me about Nintendo fanboyism? I told you to let it go, its not that big of a deal, there is no reason to be so butt hurt about these types of stuff. C'mon gilr just calm down, and lets get the loving started ;)
and people still think that Kinect is 50X more power than the Eyetoy/PS Eye, its the samething, M$ just hyped it so much
The only one who believes that is you.maniacalrooster
And me :).
Well I guess I'm the only who thinks they are both the piles of turd of gaming. I mean get real, why is the guy so serious? Who cares if I can wave a stupid wand and pretend it's a lightsaber? Oh wow it could do that better than Kinect...that makes the Move soooooooo much better. Not. Well they are both meh, and kind of unnessecary, BUT MOVE is way better than Kinect. There are actually some PS3 games that support MOVE, that I would like to play.I only play Graphix King and Exclusives, like a real G 8)
LOL@ TC thinking you can DL PS2 compability from PSN, that thing on the PS Store about PS2 is for PS3 that already have PS2 compability, to help them run the PS2 games better. You need to get yourself a wee bit more educated about this type of stuff, it is very onfusing and wired, but you'll learn real quick.
[QUOTE="Harisemo"][QUOTE="funsohng"]You guys should, I really don't want my country fighting North Korea alone :PfunsohngNK will be fighting alone so why not SK? well then we will hate USA so much to the point we might league with China I'm not sure if Americans know this, but Korean generally don't like Americans that much. Sure we hate Japanese more and Chinese probably a little more, but Americans are not really all that "awesome brother". But then again, Koreans are very xenophobic and their politicians are hypocrites. Cant you fight your own wars, what does the US have to do with it? And why do you guys hate everybody?
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