Both of those are a joke compared to KZ1 to KZ2!!!! Honestly i cant tell much of of an upgrade between those two, maybe Halo?Gamersince81:lol: :cry: :lol:
J1M-e's forum posts
Even though 360 owners will have to wait a couple more months than PS3 owners....they get a lesser game. Heres what the PS3 version has over the 360:
Looks as good as PC version (360 is having problems running the game)
(yh cause the ps3's had the best looking versions of every game so far :roll: )
Mouse and keyboard (360 doesn't)
(Ms could just put out a update for this)
Mods (they are having lots of problems with this on 360)
(im guessing you havent been really researching these so called FACTS of yours)
Gamercard (UT3 supports the PS3 gamercard)
(Oh and the 360 version wont ?????)
Maps (yes...thats right, the blu-ray shines again. Because of the storage capacity of blu-ray, Epic is packing the PS3 build of the game with more maps.)
(i wonder what disc format the pc version will be coming on ....... uhhhh DVD)
PC-PS3 Cross Platform Play (yeah that's right the PS3 is going to go cross platform with the 360s "cousin." :P
(so will the 360 verison)
So now what do you have to say about this?!?!?! Looks like M$ couldn't shell out enough money to fix the problems with their hardware.
(dont mind wouldnt buy it for my console anyway as you cows sometimes say ill play it on my pc)
I dont think this guy has a gamespot account but it was in one of my magazines about this guy who had condemmed mess up on him and give him a gamerscore of 4,916,919 but after getting loads of hate mail because at the time that he had that score there were not even that many games out dontthink that there are now either microsofthave sincefixed his gamerscore and it is back down to what it shouldbe his gamertag was dondums.
in the xbox 360 gamer magazine a while ago it had a short passage on it excuse the spelling im gonna speed type lol
"Breaking the barrier, someone has finally done the unthinkable... theve reached the 100,000 point mark with their gamerscore. many people fainted when they heard the absoloutly shocking news. the chap in question is a guy called StripClubDJ who has racked up the frankly terrifying score by playing 144 games. according to this account hes even imported some asian games to make sure he reaches the phenomenal target. however, no sooner had he anounced his mighty score, people started claiming he had cheated. if you so desire you can pay people to play games for you - the ultimate in sadness"
thts like a few months old so i dunno wt its gonna be now...
Yh i have a offical magazine that had something similar about a guy whos 360 messed upduring condemmedand gave him a really high gamerscore
I know it definitely wont be me as my gamerscore is a mere 3625 but im just curious as to who has the highest gamerscore on this site. p.s. How do you get your gamertag in2 your sig ?
What do you do 2 see all those specific stats about yourself ? or have you just been counting ?
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