i want peoples opinions. i notice alot of games that have come out and r about to come out the majority r first person shooters. i personally dont care for first person shooters bc they are all very very similar in controls and the way the game play feels. u have to admitt that view has had the same look and feel since duke nukem or doom for pc back in the day. but there r so many more 1ps vs 3ps out that look like really great games (resistance 2, killzone 2, cod:waw, alot more) but im hesistent to buy them bc the 1ps just bothers me. games in 3ps show the character movement and surroundings alot clearer and have a different feel in every game (metal gear, gta, res evil, etc). im not starting this to piss off 1ps fans bc i myself really wish i could be more into them bc cod:waw looks great, resistnce 2 i hear is amazing and kz 2 looks incredible. so lets hear some opinions.... am i the only loser who feels this way???
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