Funny, I always dominate in Tribes and only do reasonably well in BF3. You only say it's skilled because it hasn't been consolized, therefore you make yourself feel better by saying that because it's more of a PC game it requires more skill. As long as you avoid certain servers in BF3 you will find plenty of skilled players.Competitive (skilled) - Quake Live, Tribes Ascend, Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike
Competitive (noob) - Call of Duty 4, Battlefield 3
Coop - Left 4 Dead
JC_Spot's forum posts
God you're an arrogant, obnoxious douchebag. And you play BF3 on the 360, and if your stats are to be believed you have over 32 days of BF3 playtime, so don't tell anyone else they have no social life. If you're going to play a game that much, at least play it on the right system. Get off our one hates runesscape, just acting like you do is the equivalent of being "cool" in forums.
Anyone who says they hate runescape is overcompensating to get whatever fragments of their self esteem back.
It okay though right, WoW isn't anywhere near as dorky as runescape, right?
Wrong, thinking what games you play determine your status is evidence of extremely low self esteem.
That and runescape and WoW are for people who don't get laid, or have no friends. You make friends there though, and I'm sure there are plently of obese older men that'll pretend to be your girlfriend.
Okay you're the only one being a retard here. On topic, Skyrim is not a hard game, in fact it's way too easy. If you really are having issues just go to the options and turn the difficulty down until you're character becomes a god among men with little to no combat experience. You must be doing something very wrong though to be having issues with difficulty.You are doing something wrong.
Sorry this is the PC forum, we are all to incompetent, and pompous to actually answer real questions. We much prefer to troll around, posting memes like morons who have never seen genitals of the opposite sex in our entire lives.
Seriously though, if you want your question answered, don't post in the PC forum, its just filled with trolls. Try 360 or PS3 forum. OR the official skyrim forum.
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