DLaney34: Oh what a liar, i'm a developer hahahaha yeah stfu kid. The only thing your developing is lies and hate for people that speak the truth on this lame game.
@dlaney34: Your a lost cause guy, it's called a business strategy. If you cant look and see what's right in front of you then it's no hope for you at all.
@dlaney34: Well your the one here jumping from post to post trying to protect your precious game that isn't even out yet. I can scroll all the way up to the top and find your trivial replies to people and your immature comments attacking people that don't share your positive opinion on a fail game, but yeah you call yourself an adult.( laughable) Get out of here kid.
@Thanatos2k: I wouldn't be bothered with this Dlaney guy, he is clearly a 12 or younger fanboy that try's to defend this fail game every chance he get's. Watch i bet he's gonna rage on me again for talking crap about him just like every other post on this article lol.
@dlaney34: Uneducated? Dude your the biggest fool on this whole entire site. Just cause you don't know how stuff is ran inside the game industry doesn't mean you can come up to me like you have proof that they don't. If you studied how business is ran by these companies than we can talk but since you want to talk to me like you got a clue and you don't, you can go and kick rocks.
JIMDOG4442002's comments