So its cool will remove shooting games,but will keep the driving games there so we can train kids on escaping the law on highways or on boat lol makes sense.
@baconater87 Majority of ppl play games to escape whats around them like reality.More then likely something was going on in his head so I think even if he was playing video games or not.It was bound to happen sadly to say.
@baconater87 I'm wondering when they searched the dudes home that was responsible for the shooting did they find him having violent video games in his pocession or in this case have Mortal combat laying around like he was playing it at home.How are they making these accusations that it was violent video games?
@DrKill09 If your not in the military or in the police force why do you need a gun,I'm sorry I'm not going against what you stand for but why.If its for self denfence learn how to fight.If its for hobby theirs like a million other things to do.Its not gonna be the end of the world if they enforce a strict gun law.
So you are trying to tell me all of the shooting that's been accruing all the way up to now have been caused by influence of violent games.How do you prove something like that?What next violent movies,sounds like there just trying to past the blame off.I seriously doubt violent games is the key factor into this problem.
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