An unfunny comedian, who hates big corp, hosting a bunch of big corp known as EA.
It would be good for once if Gamespot went back to the past and stayed that way.
As for WW2 games how about getting some good storylines from those who actual stories to tell, letters they wrote back to their families and the friendships they tried to build in the hellholes they were fighting in.
No - it's all about "equality" so let's see if we can, for a laugh, find a woman to onto the game so it can sell more.
You're already losing sales thanks to wrecking classic series like Command & Conquer, you're losing more to this BS - it's the only way to send these clowns a message.
@Geogyf: Hmm could have sworn this was a gaming site, pretty much a guy from the good old days of gamespot.
Besides folks at Gamespot actually do get a chance to play the game before it even comes out, my mistake of thinking that Gamespot was a 'gaming' site.
@jski: Didn't say for it to become "another game" i.e. another genre.
Tom Clancy's games always had a similar setup but each game, for example, Splinter Cell had made changes/improvements in each game with of course similar objectives but each one was different.
Far Cry hasn't changed much, if at all over the years. The person writing this piece could have, at least, brought up something that will surprise us.
I think people miss the point on Splinter Cell Conviction as each of the games represent the mission Sam is on and what he needs to do to achieve it.
If you recall from the storyline he was lied to about his daughter dying, that the lies that were told by Lambert - who wouldn't be p*ssed so much to go into 'hulk' mode and take it out on everyone? It's not always about stealth.
Double Agent was exactly as it was described, make decisions on the good/bad teams in the game. Blacklist took you back to his origins this time with a delicate task of putting stealth amongst all of the explosive action.
So glad to hear Michael Ironside's voice once again, if another Splinter Cell gets made you better bring him back.
If they don't have a proper single player campaign then forget it, what these trailers don't show is their intentions and we all know what COD manage to do after the WW2 games came out.
Medal of Honor still holds 1st spot, this is the best chance Activision will have, don't screw it up with money making multiplayer market.
JJMikhail's comments