Decent game at the time, although overrated when it came to reviews.
Isn't it time the 'remaster' genre was dropped to put more emphasise on creating distinct games that go beyond what we have played tirelessly over the years?
The 'sale' here is really about the mods. I own the game on the xbox 360 and enjoyed it, just seems Microsoft are pushing the backwards compatibility far enough, I'm happy with the way it is.
Election year, need/must make Hillary President, must make her President, so desperate...
Make game about African-American, one who had the "cr*p kicked out of him" when he was young, rebelling like a leftist... --- Yeah no thanks. Putting that to one side when I read "co-op" in the campaign that means 'PASS'.
If you never liked the first Mirrors Edge then forget about this game, it's not for you and its not a criticism.
I played the first one knowing it was different to any other game I played but the story was a bit flat and needed a lot more of combat type situations. Still a game that I play now from time to time so I won't fault them for the effort, even today I still like it both on console and PC.
I played the beta, liking the start as the story kicked off and then got into the running sequences and a bit of tutorial which was fun. Then the game came open, the open world itself.
Looks fantastic and of course since it was a beta it needed work but despite the combat and graphics looking pretty darn impressive it took away the essence of what the good old games were like, for example, Metal Gear Solid. As soon as it went into open world no matter how good the graphics, gameplay, story are some of us don't feel the need to just keep running. At each stage you are battling either getting to a point before combat starts, fighting off bad guys or running to the CHOPPER! (sorry just had to). In this case I feel I will probably be running, getting frustrated, lost and unable to enjoy the game.
Is Mirrors Edge world supposed to be real life or the future? Could you double team to get over obstacles? Story perhaps develop into playing good or bad gal working both sides? I don't know, its too early and I think will give them the benefit of the doubt, I look forward to giving it a go but I look forward to the future as well, Mirrors Edge 3: Kate turns blue, I don't know I'm just making it up...
JJMikhail's comments