Its pretty obvious Reznor is taking another cheap shot at Chris Cornell who just released a new album that Timbaland produced, and Reznor pretty much called him a sellout. Cornell is more talented and ballsy to try something different other than pumping out another generic rock album, but i still find it funny that Reznor insists on taunting him.
I actually created the gamertag 'LeZbeian SeaguL' about a year ago just so i could use the 1 month free XBOX Live trial with it..... and I was never asked to change it. However...... some of the other gamertags I created to use more 1 month trials were reported and I had to change them. I guess when someone reports a gamertag 'X' number of times, they make you change it..... although none of them I made were offensive.
ive only played one playthrough of RE1(jill) and RE2 ( leon)... do i need to play all the others (RE3, RE0 etc) to be well acquainted with the story and get the most out of RE5?
I've really only played RE4 and the two Outbreak games for the online play, but i've never really got into the other games in the series. Theres a bunch of websites where you can read up on the storylines of each RE game if you dont mind playing the games and having them spoiled, which is what i did to get caught up on the RE storylines while playing 4.
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