I'm holding out on getting a PS4 until Destiny comes out. No point in spending $400 on a "next gen" console now when the current exclusives aren't that great and I have a PC more powerful than either console. There is no "next gen" for PC, it's always up to date.
Sony is okay by me, as long as they repair/replace all broken consoles at no cost to the consumer. Microsoft had the same problem with the Xbox 360, I had a red ring of death a few years after I bought one and they replaced it for free.
It makes a big difference to me seeing 1080p vs 720p. When I first played GTA V on PS3 my first thought was about how awful the resolution was (don't play consoles much anymore). Heck, I can still see the jagged edges in 1080p, especially if I don't have anti-aliasing on.
@DarthLod At least Far Cry, Metro and Borderlands games tend to have fantastic single player / co-op. I'm looking forward to Destiny, which should be an all around great FPS.
Anyway, I like Valve's philosophy on being hardware agnostic and not having anything exclusive on SteamOS, but that philosophy isn't going to get them sales. The only reason I buy consoles are for exclusives. I already have a good gaming PC that provides me with everything else, superior graphics, mod support, online community, better controls, etc.
Thank you for saying that Titanfall is an Xbox and PC exclusive and not just saying that it's an Xbox exclusive like oh, so many crappy game journalists out there! People need to know that it is coming out on the platform to rule them all and not exclusive to some dumb console.
@zzgamerzz @WhiteTulip1 They already came out with Windwaker HD, but there's no way I'm buying a new console just to play a game that I already played and beat many years ago.
JLCrogue's comments