The WiiU will pick up, it will. Their plan is solid, and it has worked in the past, take a looksy at the not so distant past, the 3ds. It was doomed, they weren't making profit, then suddenly games started getting released, and now it's a big hit. Same can happen with the WiiU, especially with perhaps the biggest ticket item of all time, smash bros.
I think their point is valid, but not well explained. What I get from it, is that they're saying , well trying to say, that they don't focus on graphics(art) , they focus on gameplay, which isn't bad.
@Deathsmiles76 Woow, really? I truly cannot tell whether or not your trolling, or being serious. Your the one who came on here making a show about it, not I, true I made a smart remark, but what I said is nothing compared to what you said then and now, I even said myself, "Get a grip, we all play games for fun, people just like different games." and different games are on different systems, and different systems just happen to have different companies.
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