I have seen way to many post saying crap like "360 sux" or "Resistance 2 is Gears 2 wannabe" or "Wii is horrible". Is anyone else believe fanboyisim is totally stupid? I mean, can't everyone just be happy with there system, and not have to make fun of other peoples system? It not only is mean, it makes you look quite stupid.
C'mon guys, were all gamers here, can't we just get along, regardless of what kind of system we use? Each system has its Pros, and just because you don't personally like that system, don't go out of your way to make fun of it. Sure, its cool to say "Man I'm so looking forward to Little Big Planet" but you don't have to add on and say "Ha Ha 360 fanboys are crying!".
All gamers need to unite and get along, not make fun of each other!
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