Lineage II is like rubbing your face on concrete, so if you're the type of person who enjoys that - go for it (basically your typical Korean MMO grind fest).
Eve is pretty much the game if you want something with more length to it; I guarentee you will never see cap. I'd say you should try out all the MMOs you can get free trials for (EQ2, Conan is doing frequent technical betas, LoTRO).
I've tried to switch to Vista three times, but every time I end up going back to XP. I like the feel and look of Vista; DX10 just isnt enough to make me whilling to take the performance hit.
Once I add more RAM though I wont have much of a choice, because there is now way in hell I'm using XP x64.
Depends on what type of game play you like; I prefer BF2142. COD4 is just COD2 style chaos with new textures. BF2142 feels more like a persistant back and forth battle, while COD4 feels more like a quake style shooter.
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