I'm frequenting Gametrailers and IGN now. Gamespot is a mess to me, can't comment on articles or videos and the site is soooo slow loading. I miss the old layout which was perfect and really didn't need changing. They just focused on making the site look pretty for users and I swear this layout was specifically designed for ipads/tablets, while functionality and ease of use just got chucked out the window.
Jacen22's forum posts
I have a few glitches on this site using Chrome as well. The site takes almost 10 secs to load any page even though I have really fast internet (50mbps) and I cannot comment on news articles or videos. I can only comment on the forum. I tried disabling ad-block and ghostery to see if that was the problem but the issue still persists.
Haha, thanks guys guess I was just being paranoid.
Whats the temperature in your room?
I am sure if you can deal with it than your pc can too.~80f-ish is like the highest I can deal with, and beyond that point I just turn the a/c.
Is it dusty or anything particular? Grab a air duster and spray it once a while.
Oh yeah I do clean the computer regularly about once a month, not dusty. I should have clarified a bit more, I was talking about the air quality in the small room with the pc running. The GPU isn't an issue it does run hot (GTX 470 SLI) but I manually set the fan speed to maintain 80-85 celsius when I run a game.
Hey, I know that this is not a hardware question but I didn't know where else to put it to get responses from people who know a lot about computers. I have a gaming pc in my bedroom which is very small and always have the door shut to my room whenever I am gaming with no windows open or anything. Is this or will this cause any problems or am I just being paranoid? I sometimes game 2-3 hours on the weekends and sometimes even more. I tried googling it but nothing popperd up so I decided to try my luck here.
Will it also be releasing on the ps3/ps4 and 360 as well?
Have they released released the prices on the PS4 and what size HD's they are offering?
Thanks for the feedback guys. Downscaling looks like an interesting option, gonna give it a read through thanks for the link
[QUOTE="Jacen22"]Yes, but you want to get a monitor that supports your required resolution natively.So only when I get a new monitor that can handle resolutions over 1920x1080 will the option be available to run at those higher resolutions?
What does natively mean? Sorry, I'm not really comp savvy. Is there a way to game at higher resolutions on a 1920x1080 monitor? I just looked at the prices on newegg for higher res monitors and they are quite expensive.
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