I was surfing the web yesterday for the most affordable gaming pc systems around and this site came up. The prices for the specs you can get are really awesome, but I read a lot of horror stories about their customer service too. These computers sound too good to be true. Are they?
JackMCrazyFish's forum posts
wow. thanks guys. yeah, my gut tells me to go with 4. i was just wondering if 8 gives me anything spectacular.
i'm pinching pennies now, saving up for a new laptop. i wouldn't get a laptop, but i'm moving around a lot lately (college) and it's really better for me. i just want it to be able to play fun games too :)
Given how fast technology changes these days, is now a good time to buy a new gaming laptop or would it be smart to wait until better stuff comes around?
Submitted for your consideration,
Jack M. Crazyfish
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