"I'd like to play Mario but I'm not willing to spend hundreds of dollars to do it" - that pretty much sums up my feelings. Maybe in a few years when the price goes way down and the number of Nintendo exclusives goes way up.
Oh they're service based alright - for $60 you get to perform the service of beta testing the game for the developer. What would solve this problem immediately is if people would hold off buying games at launch and wait a month (at least) until the problems are fixed. Hit them where it hurts - in the wallet - and they'll make sure the games are fully tested and functioning properly at launch. Complain about it on the internet all you want AFTER you've paid your money - they don't care.
That's what I love about the "journalism" on this site. Respawn is called one of the "five most significant third-party developers", even though they haven't released a single game, and we don't even know anything about what they're working on. Same with Bungie post-Microsoft.
You don't need to go past the first paragraph to know you've entered the nonsense zone.
A lot of genres are being dumped so that everybody can focus on making shooter after shooter after shooter - to make money - and you're complaining about endings being changed because it makes it seem as if games are more products than works of art?
Good grief, talk about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Atari's got Test Drive: Ferrari Legends coming out tomorrow. It's made by Slightly Mad Studios, who did the Need For Speed: Shift games. Quite a big deal one would think. But has anybody heard of it? Anybody know it exists? No.
You guys have fun with the alpha test version they'll charge you $60 for. I'll pass. It's sad too, as I would normally be very interested in something like this. But Bethesda? You've absolutely got to be kidding me.
If Gamespot is so concerned with consumers getting a fair deal, maybe they should quite giving 9/10 scores to games they've never even played - like the broken PS3 version of Skyrim.
Jackc8's comments