Just finished this game last night and had a lot of fun with it. The 5.0 score is absurd. Even casting a critical eye on it, it shouldn't get less than a 7.5. Don't know what the deal is with the Gamespot reviews lately, but these off-the-wall scores are a real disservice to gamers.
Yeah, instead of a welcome back package, Sony should hire some professional counselors to write articles telling everyone how safe they are. If this is what the content of these editorials are going to be like, Gamespot should just drop them because they're absolutely pointless.
Perhaps all the lousy reviews that Brink has gotten will act as some small encouragement for publishers to actually finish the damned game before they release it. I'm no marketing expert, but I would think that a complete, properly functioning game released a few weeks from now would sell a lot better than an unfinished, partially broken game released today.
BlackSnake123 - So why don't you give us some passwords so we can all edit the Gamespot website however we see fit? We'll do some crazy inspirational things with it! It's fine to do it with the PS3, right?
So if I were to make some code available to the general public that would allow anyone to come on the Gamespot website and edit / rearrange it however they pleased, even if it messed it up for everybody else - like this guy did with MW2 on the PS3 - that would be perfectly fine with Gamespot? Because that's the argument you're making here.
As always with these comparisons, I see absolutely no difference in the actual level of detail in the graphics. I just see a that one is a bit brighter and the other a bit darker. Depending on the scene, this makes some details more obvious in one version than the other.
Jackc8's comments