well ryu and ken are the most easy chars in the game. press start and check the move list it will show you what you need to press. for a hadoken (fire ball) its the same as the spining kick move but you move down-forward and press the punch button. it depends how you move the stick, the correct button and timing.
Jae8701's forum posts
either way it doesnt bother me, but im hoping we get jill back. If we do i'm hoping for her look in re5
yeah its finally here
i own both versions of the game and let me tell you it was noticeably different on the 360 version. cg is blury and the graphics look washed down because of compression. also i have experienced alot of slow down when i enter the menu and in game even with the dics installed. i have not experienced those problems on the ps3 version. if you own a ps3 i would reccomend gettting that version. if you can only get for the 360 its still the same game but graphics were a total let down.
i own both. i would recomend ff13 over rof. FF13 has a better story and characters while rof's characters and story are ok. yes ff13 may be linair but its still an amazing experience because the battles, graphics and characters make a great overall presentation. Rof story is funny and has a unique and great battle system, but even someone like me ,who loves rpgs, it can be very difficult even fustrating. think of it as star ocean and demon souls had a baby. that being said they are both overall good games but ff13 should be your best bet. Maybe some other time you can pick up rof after your done with ff13.
so if i were to make a new one and transfer my saves will i lose my trophies?
like how you can change your gamertag on xbl?
i would have to say both. but the thing im really more exited about is the story. is it me or does the main character in the new trailer look kinda like russell crowe?
well the game has been patched and is always updated. all the problems at launch has been preety much fixed for sometime and there is supposed to be dlc soon
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