how about summer arcade titiles. mvc2, shadow complex, tmnt re-shelled. plus u can save money since your on a budget
Jae8701's forum posts
that capcom vs t somwthing for that was avaliebale only in japan for sometime for the wii and resident evil for psp
i have a 360 and i think they did well in e3 and im looking foward in there games. plus most of those problems dont occur in the newer systems. i like my ps3 as well and sony did have a good e3 as well. nintendo did way better than it did last year. i only have a ds but the wii's titles are starting to look more promising
thats really none of there buisness what you do with your money and they are employees so you should of asked for the manager for disrepecting there customer
yeah its called a psn card. i dont know about aus but in the us its been out for a while look up any video game or electronic retailer sites to see if they might sell them
i would like part three for ds. man i just wish they annouce it at e3. probably the best rpg series for the handhelds
i need 10 pokes left. i will give them back once we trade i just want to get the national dex these are the dex #'s of the ten i need. any help will be appretaited
pokedex #:
you have to play the 1st three since this raps up snake's story. its a final chapter of a saga. just like a movie trilogy if you dont watch the others you will be lost on the last one. tust me play the series in order. the series is on par with hollywood movie. action, humor, emotion and a great cast. the final chapter is really powerful. i really think there was no better way to end one of the greatest videogame storylines of all time
nope 2 both just get a ds lite. i really dont think the dsi is really worth the extra money
try the new rythem heaven game. its a lot of mini games like wario ware but with music. it simple fun and challenging
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