I'm so glad its not ps4 exclusive! I'll be buying it for xbox one cause I only buy exclusives on ps4. Gotta keep the hdd in check. I don't feel like upgrading it again. My Xone has a 4TB, I'm good for a couple years.
At this point in time, there is no reason to buy a ps4 slim. You either buy the Pro model or nothing at all. A true gamer will know that. A lot off "Mom's & Dad's" bought a slim for little Timmy because they don't know any better.
@nayce54: that's why I hate the ps4. You just can't plug a USB 2TB hdd and play. This is why I bought it for the xbox one. I only buy exclusive games on the ps4 now.
@Flames03: sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but I pay taxes on Xbox live. I think everybody does. PSN doesn't charge taxes. I have both systems. Maybe you are tax exempt or your state is tax exempt,
Jag-T1000's comments