@ANUBISZER0: I do. I catch them when I stop at a red light. And when I pass by pokestops, I get pokeballs and stuff. I'm sure million of other people do it.
I wish you could trade poke balls for gold coins, because I not paying a $1 for a lure module or $1.50 for an egg incubator. Silly Nintendo, I'm not giving you my money.
@newmanator1010: I like your comment! You are totally right. The way people here defend a game here is crazy. You would think they work for square or something.
I canceled my preorder. I'll get it next summer when it'll probably cost $20. I would of given you full prize SquareEnix! Now, you will only get $20 from me for delaying it one more time!
The developers knew that without a single player campaign, many people would not buy the game. I know I wasn't. I'm still skeptical on this game, so I will wait and see. At the moment only diehard titanfall fans and ps4 owners are excited for this game.
Jag-T1000's comments