I think they have only one programmer working on this game. That's why it's taking 5 years to release.
@Xristophoros: Okay, we are talking about Xbox on this article and we got little Timmy with his "Mommy bought me a PS4" remark.
@belmunday: Ok dude, we all now the PS4 sold 30+ so don't start a console war here. He means both PS4 and Xone combined.
@belmunday: This happens to you too? Thought it was just me. It disconnects like crazy! I plug it in now. They seriously need to fix this as soon as possible!
So the ps4 can't do both huh? What a joke. They want to brag about 1080 but you have to sacrifice framerate.
They need some new IPs and Japanese support. Relying on first party and multiplats can only take you so far.
Jag-T1000's comments