@riotinto876: you got street fighter so up your @$$ you believe it's a game from heaven or something. Not everybody plays fighters around the world man. We just play arcade mode for the story and challenge. Capcom has delivered an incomplete game and they need to own up to it.
Why would anyone think that they would use STEAM when they got got their own Window Store. They want to get money for themselves not pay STEAM for using their service.
I want to buy that valentine outfit for my female character, but it's too expensive! I'm not paying $25 for one costume. She looks so hot with just a shirt on, but man that's one expensive shirt.
Dead or alive 5 is pretty much worthless. Unless you like fighting online, the arcade mode sucks bigtime! You used to fight Alpha as the last boss and get a short ending, now.....nothing! No boss, no ending, no thank you for playing, just ends at about 8 fights! They need to add more modes to use all these different costumes in. Right now, its just boring.
Jag-T1000's comments