You would think that having come from a tough background guys like this would try to hold on to their money having experienced the struggle. I mean they should be used to just living comfortably. But instead so many of them lose everything. This goes for rich athletes, celebrities and so on that came from low income families. Funny how it never works like that though.
Jagged3dge's forum posts
There are malls in Kenya? Whoa.percech
Despite how the western media portrays Africa, there's actually various beautiful industrialized cities.
The only games that should be considered the worst are the ones that are technically unplayable... Everything else is preference. Even a game like shadowrun the multiplayer shooter that's hated by many... Is loved by some, me being one. Grey_Eyed_Elf
I still enjoy that MP to this day. There's no game like it, and the learning curve is so sharp that I feel I can't let my skills go to waste :D
I thought the game was pretty damn fun at first. Then you just get used to the same 2 or 3 maps getting picked over and over again. And for the first time in a Halo game, there are no noteworthy maps at all. Most stock maps get old in the FPS genre, no doubt. But that's why I credit Bungie for getting the community involved and adding user created maps to the playlists. Regarding ordinance drops, I enjoyed the change of pace for a while. I know others despise alteration, but I think it worked. Definitely handled better than that shitty armor lock in Reach...I quit that game for that reason alone. Ohh yeah I forgot to mention the campaign. It was just so forgettable.
Forge and custom games is still there, put that community involvement just isn't. What can I say, Bungie dropped a classic with Halo 3. That trilogy in general is amazing. Everything that followed has just been sub-par in comparison. And they generally just don't carry that spark. One thing about the franchise that changed is the skill level. If you were new to Halo you used to get dropped by the veterans. There was definitely a degree of skill needed to compete. That's lost now.
GTA5 is not all that good anyway. there are so many better games... I dont even want GTA5.Dogswithguns
You should probably at least play the game before saying such foolishness
Anyway, back when I wanted those rated M games at that age my mom would strike me down for the same BS reason. Any sexual content whatsoever would cause her to be alarmed. Forget the strong violence, blood and gore, etc,. We're talking even "suggestive themes" would make her shake her head. Maybe its just how women in general view sexuality. Because it sure seems to leave an impression on them... That's why I always asked my Dad
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