Then stay on bf3 then.. Did you expect them to strip the game entirely and start over? naw.. battlefield has not gotten to the point where Cod is today. Its become a fab to say "oh its the same" because Cod has messed the game all up.
"We Can Kill The Industry With Cynicism" - Ken Levine
Games gonna be awesome... PERIOD.. No bf3 3.5.. No oh its all the same.. Its like some folks wants games these days to jump out & suck there little wii wii's or some ish.
"We Can Kill The Industry With Cynicism" - Ken Levine
WOW!!!..Didn't really enjoy bf3 end game that much but loved all the other bf3 expansions aftermath the most. I am honestly really impressed with this game play footage and was far better than i was expecting.. Bf4 Looks like the game worthy enough to tear me off of Crysis 3 multiplayer
Spoiler Alert= Game is way to easy and way to short to need any of this. Also to there not enough enemy's.. I' wold have liked to ran across 3x more enemy's as i did going threw single player. Far to short and easy IMO.
A company that has on countless occasions screwed there consumers by over charging for cards>Ex: 9800 gx2 $800 on release then 3 months later released a better card for cheaper!! called the gtx 280. I can go on and on about there track record but i'll leave u with that one. THE NERVE THEY HAVE TO SAY SOMETHINGS NOT WORTH IT.. LOL!!!!
I agree. Great game but my goodness its a short one. Running threw collecting all the item i left my first time threw. I wonder if there's even a reward for that? Please let me know but post spoiler alert for others that might not wanna know. Thanks
Turning TressFx on just kills my performance on my g75vw. Turn it off and runs smooth as butter. So i installed the game on my desktop which sports a Gtx 580 Dcii gpu and a 2700k cpu oc'ed @ 4.7ghz. Turned everything on Ultra including TressFx and get no lower than 50 frames 60-70 max. This game eats up like Crysis 3 does.. Loving it, Great game
Jago-Vs-Fulgore's comments