@RSM-HQ: nice figure my ass when it cost $800.. Its a Rip off plan and simple. Think of what this thing cost to make... probably $10 tops.. TOPS!!!!.. and to price it at $800.. it's a big F' YOU to anyone the loves the game with all there heart. Talk about taking advantage of someone.. The Statue better come with some LOVE ME LONG TIME, AND I MEAN EVERYDAY OF THE WEEK! I love Bloodborne, hell I'm a diehard but they better get this shxt up outta here
@soulfulDAGGER: Man you've got a point. I love my switch in all but if they don't perform in 2018 they could be in some serious trouble. Nintendo should had been in talks to grab as many ports as they possibly could for 2017. They better get on the ball because after Mario we have no idea what the launch window looks like
Damn... damn.. DAMN!!! I got to buy another Ps4 now. I bought one when Uncharted 4 came out. But realized I couldn't play online because am a keyboard and mouse type of guy when it comes to shooters. But with Nioh this will have me at Gamestop buying that used Darth Vadar ps4 I seen for $250.. and plus that Final Fantasy 12 remake is coming out
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