Ok, I canceled my order on amazon.com since it was kind of stupid to pay 800 dollars and not even get the harddrive with it. Then I looked on Circuit Citys website yesterday in school and they had a good deal where you get
- Xbox 360 core system
- Additional Wired Controller
- Universal Remote
- 20GB Harddrive
for about somewhere between $500-$600. It did however come with 3 games Which would make it $640 but when my dad bought it he took the games out because he didn't know which ones I had.
The final price of the Xbox 360 with the shipping and sales tax added on was $527.37.
This time I'm officially ordering Xbox 360 since I can't cancel the order now since FedEX has it now.
However untill I get it I'm going to go a little Xbox 360 shopping with some of my christmas money. I'm going to go to Best Buy tomorrow (sunday) since I have a 10% off coupon and get
- Need for Speed Most Wanted (Xbox 360 version)
- S-Video AV Cable for xbox 360(Since my TV Supports it, yay 480p)
- Wireless Xbox 360 Controller
- A Xbox 360 Headset
So After when I get Xbox 360 in the mail I'll have a total of 4 games which would be Need for Speed Most Wanted, Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing 3, and Tony Hawks American Wasteland. However I might get a fifth game really soon after that since I still have a EB Games gift card for $50.
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