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Jak2k5 Blog

Full Auto Demo and Stuff

I played the Full Auto Demo which was avaible on the Xbox Live Marketplace last night.  It was ok for a demo, you could pick between 2 cars and you race on a level with weapons.  I could be wrong though since I only played it for 30 minutes.  For what I could tell the graphics were pretty decent.  The final version should come out good in Feburary.

I also hit the 1000 mark in achievements, not a big accomplishment since theres people who are past 10000 but still I got past 1000. 

I have also been playing Need For Speed Most Wanted and I'm a BEAST.  I'm taking all challenges so if you think you can beat my Eclipse send me a message and we'll see.

Dead or Alive 4

Lately I've been playing a lot of Dead or Alive 4, specially since I'm having half days because of Mid-Terms in school.  I currently unlocked the following achievements.

  1. 50 wins in DOA Online
  2. Total play time 10hrs.
  3. won a bronze star
  4. 10 wins in DOA Online
  5. 5 straight wins in DOA Online
  6. Total play time 5 hrs.
  7. Unlocked "Gen Fu"
  8. Unlocked "Leon"
  9. 5 Straight losses in DOA Online
  10. Completed Story Mode

There you go, 10 achievments total and I got a gamerscore of 110 out of Dead or Alive 4.  My most proudest achievement would have to between 50 wins in DOA Online and Won a Bronze star, since to get the Bronze star I had to beat someone with a 10-14 winning streak and let me tell you it was not easy.

I'm trying to beat story mode with all characters so I can unlock Helena so I can eventually unlock the spartan. 

Got my Xbox 360

Finely, after months of waiting got my Xbox 360 in the mail from FedEX yesterday.  I was playing all afternoon too.  I do got a harddrive so if you guys want to play halo 2 I can do that.  I also use the component HD Cables so the Xbox 360 runs in 480p instead of 480i on the tv.

I do have Dead or Alive 4, Call of Duty 2, Perfect Dark Zero, Tony Hawks American Wasteland, and Project Gotham Racing 3 so if you want to play send me a message.

Got some Xbox 360 Stuff

Since I'm getting my Xbox 360 in the mail via FedEX on tuesday I decided to go to Best Buy and get some accessories and games for it.

I did however play Call of Duty 2 on the kiosk at Best Buy for 15 minutes before I bought anything though.

I did buy the following:

  • Xbox 360 Component HD AV Cable
  • Wireless Controller
  • Xbox 360 Headset
  • Dead or Alive 4
  • Call of Duty 2

I also put a tv on lay away, its a Samsung 26" Widescreen HD-Ready Flat-Panel LCD TV.  I should be able to get it sometime in 2-3 months. 

It is 5:57 AM on Monday January 09, 2006 and I got school (oh great) but the good thing is all I'm doing today is reviewing for Mid-Terms and writing a Essay in the Computer Lab.  Plus to make the end of the week even better thats when I start Mid-Terms (Thursday) but friday and most of all next week I have Mid-terms so I get out at 11 AM (more time to play Xbox 360). 

Getting Xbox 360 on the 10th!

Ok, I canceled my order on amazon.com since it was kind of stupid to pay 800 dollars and not even get the harddrive with it.  Then I looked on Circuit Citys website yesterday in school and they had a good deal where you get

  1. Xbox 360 core system
  2. Additional Wired Controller
  3. Universal  Remote
  4. 20GB Harddrive

for about somewhere between $500-$600.  It did however come with 3 games  Which would make it $640 but when my dad bought it he took the games out because he didn't know which ones I had. 

The final price of the Xbox 360 with the shipping and sales tax added on was $527.37.

This time I'm officially ordering Xbox 360 since I can't cancel the order now since FedEX has it now. 

However untill I get it I'm going to go a little Xbox 360 shopping with some of my christmas money.  I'm going to go to Best Buy tomorrow (sunday) since I have a 10% off coupon and get

  1. Need for Speed Most Wanted (Xbox 360 version)
  2. S-Video AV Cable for xbox 360(Since my TV Supports it, yay 480p)
  3. Wireless Xbox 360 Controller
  4. A Xbox 360 Headset

So After when I get Xbox 360 in the mail I'll have a total of 4 games which would be Need for Speed Most Wanted, Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing 3, and Tony Hawks American Wasteland.  However I might get a fifth game really soon after that since I still have a EB Games gift card for $50.

Ordered My Xbox 360

After my Ebay Fiasco, I decided to wait till a online store got Xbox 360.  Well I was looking on a Xbox 360 tracker and it showed amazon.com had some in stock at 3:40 Eastern Time.  I went there but it was core, but then I said whatever and bought it.  It was a bundle so I got the Core system, a Memory Card, Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing 3, Kameo: Elements of Power, Tony Hawks American Wasteland, NBA Live 2006, Madden 2006, and Call of Duty 2.

It costed me $800 and I will be buying a headset and Harddrive this weekend.  Its suppose to ship today and come January 9th, but it might come a little early because before when I ordered at amazon.com the item came earlier then what they said.

All in all I'll see you guys on Xbox 360 on monday.

Getting Xbox 360

I decided to buy a Xbox 360 off ebay and I found a good one.  Its just the system  you get the premium with the reciept from Best Buy and the seller said you can even get a warranty on it since it hasn't been 30 days yet. 

Currently the bid is at $445.00 and I'm winning.  I think its pretty safe since the seller has 99.0% feedback with 292 feedbacks.

The auction ends in a hour cross your fingers and hope I won.

Back to School

Well after my winter break I'm going back to school (god help me) and what better timing for a winter storm.  I was looking on weather.com and theres a winter weather advisory for my area.  Its only raining right now but it said on there because cold air is coming in that it will turn into snow sometime this morning and there expecting 1-3 inches well all this is said and done.  Well if that happens I'll end up getting a early dismissal which would be at 11:30 AM. 

So to all my friends on Xbox Live I might be on a little early today maybe around 12 or 1.

Played Xbox 360

As some of you know since you probably seen my gamercard or seen me on Xbox Live that I was on Xbox 360.  Well I don't have it yet.  My cousin got it so I was over there playing it.  I'm going to get mine sometime in January so don't worry about it. 

From what I saw Xbox 360 is great and recovering my account was fast and easy.  Can't wait till I get mine so I can play some of you guys in Perfect Dark Zero, Tony Hawks American Wasteland, Project Gotham Racing 3 and Dead or Alive 4.

Christmas is Coming Close

Well with only 7 days left till Christmas it is coming very close.  I still have to get my brother something but overall I mostly got everybody there stuff.  I'm thinking I might just get him a gift card for Best Buy.

Anyway my parents asked me if I wanted any more games for Christmas since they couldn't find me a Xbox 360 or a iPod Video 30GB.  I might get something for Gamecube since I haven't got a game for Gamecube in a while.  I was thinking maybe Super Mario Strikers or SSX On Tour. 

Aside from that even though I said I'm not getting Xbox 360 for christmas does not mean I'm not getting one, I will probably get one in Janurary so for the people I know on Xbox Live don't worry.

Also a note to all my friends who got Xbox 360 or plan on getting one.  Best Buy made some there games $10 cheaper so instead of $60 they are $50 the games that got this $10 decrease are Amped 3, Condemned, NBA 2K6.  I don't know about you but I'm going to pick up NBA 2K6 on tuesday while its cheaper now.