Jamh83's forum posts
It's a nice notion, that Sony's pushing nowadays -earning console exclusives rather than buying them. The sad reality these days though is that publishers and developers want money! I'm almost ceratin MGS4 is going to end up on 360, especially after the numerous times Kojima could've just said no it will not be on 360 he just says "we currently have no plans on a 360 MGS4". And if MGS4 goes to 360, you can be sure FFXIII is going to 360 also. It's infuriating, Sony knows how much they stand to lose yet they refuse to act progressively in this department. What's wrong with them? All they need to do is send Square Enix and Konami a nice, fat check, problem solved!espoac
What are you talking about? Kojima came out and said a couple months ago that Metal Gear Solid wasn't coming to 360 and that the only reason the rumors won't die is because "360 owners want it on 360 of course". Also, Square also confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII won't be going to 360 either. Why should Sony have to spend millions of dollars just to keep a game off another system when theirs will still get it anyway? Makes more sense to focus on 1st and 2nd party to differentiate themselves and if a few 3rd parties want to toss them exclusives all the better.
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