this cd contains only remixes of previous songs, which will explain why there are only 4 singles!
- En la ciudad
- Desiertos
- A veces
- Rythm Valentine
this cd contains only remixes of previous songs, which will explain why there are only 4 singles!
this is the second discography of la ley
these are all the songs of the first CD of the Chile group "La Ley" that are listed here
You could probably been wondering who the hell is the group that I have in my banner and my personal image?
Well it is a group that comes from Chile that was called "The Ley" which was conformed by Beto Cuevas, Mauricio Claveras, and Pedro Furgone and that is one of the best bands of rock from spanish rockn'roll and I have each of their CD's which are listed here:
I just manage to get to 93%! so close to the next level,
I am a little dissapointed!
well, I can't believe that I am going to say this, but I will because that is the only way that I am going to take out this huge agony and strangeness out of me
Well, I was sleeping comfortably in my bed and then after a while of thinking a lot I get to sleep
After I wake up, I realize what I have been dreaming and I couldn't believe it, I amost puke because of that
is something i couldn't believe, I am not gay, I have a boyfriend, and from all the dreams in the world I have to get that one
well, this is just something for you to know, I don't want to tell anyone in my family, so I am posting it here so someone can help me, or at least consolate me, or even laugh at me, whatever, but I don't want this on my mind, by my own....
well that's all
P.S.: and I am a GIRL!
I have been searching for a photography of Britney a while ago, and I finally find the perfect photo, which seems to be her in the beach, with very good cloth
I hate people that said that Britney is a total idiot, (everyone except my boyfriend, which the only thing in which we can't get along, because he says that britney is a very presume and idiot woman) but I don't believe that, I think that britney is a great star and I love all her songs especially
Oops I did it again
and hit me baby one more time
those are the very best, I love Britney Spears, I can't believe she has an average of 6.5 or something like that, I think people hate her because they are jealous
I hope that someday I become a singer as good as her (because i just LOVE to sing)
I just want to tell you how great is to live in Tijuana, but don't get jealous, I am not presuming about it, so I will tell you that Tijuana is like San Diego, only that with more robberies, more dirty things, and well, San Diego has much more better things.
But don't take it the wrong way
well, but it is not about pollution I am talking about, is actually about everything
climate is always mild, everything is not so hot and not so cold, I just love it, I can get out of my house at anytime and the climate and weather will be always the same ones, I can't believe it.
I love Tijuana, but don't get jealous the ones that live in hot places or in cold places, I am not presuming about it,
I just want you to know the great place in which I live in....
Thanks, bye
P.S. I love you OeTvGreat
Hello, I am JandE4ever by my real named is Julieta, I inscribed here on because my boyfriend ask me too, and I have been browsing the site for almost five minutes and I am starting to love it, I did not know half the name of the episodes of my shows and everything I can't believe a site like this existed.
I want to say a hello! to my boyfriend for telling me about this site!
I love you, OeTvGreat
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