Janimba's forum posts
I thought the game was fantastic, my only complaint with it is the ending, its not as satisfying as it should be. Overall though its one of the best games released in a white imo.
I still play it, its a lot of fun.
Ive been mixing in some GH2 to get myself excited for GH3, and stopped for a few days to play Orange Box on my PC, but its still the main game I play. I play TF2 with my friend from time to time as well, but ive never liked the series as much as a lot of people.
I tend to think of Crackdown and Dead Rising as action adventure games, but a lot of people give them their own genre, sandbox games.
For a more traditional A/A game, look at Kameo, and Naurto Rise of the Ninja will be out soon, and all the previews say it will be atleast a good game.
Favorites: KOTOR, FF7, among others
Anticipating: Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, and Eternal Sonata if it turns out well.
Everyone hates on the PDZ review, I actually agreed with that one, same with Twilight Princess. Many of the others listed, especially Mario Kart 64 and Halo 2(Not just because it wasnt as good as Halo, but because it was not even a good game imo)
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