@G4mBi7 @Jasbro Use your PC then, because you wont get free online gaming with either console im afraid, it does suck thats for sure, thats one thing sony had over MS, but meh doesnt really bother me to much.
@erking1991 because its entertaining to see what new excuses X1 defenders can come up with to defend their precious console, what other reason is there to be here for.
@obsequies bah, still a ways to go then, lets get to it people!!, it shouldnt be to hard since the X1 fanboys are so desperate to defend their precious console.
@Blazen702 If they've said its superior to the PC version they are either lying or people have misread what they said, or they've just made a pisspoor attempt at the PC version and not bothered try, which coming from an ex cod dev wouldnt surprise me.
@Daywalker2K4 @Jasbro @erking1991 Im a gamer, that just happens to use PC for my main gaming at the moment, i was a console gamer a year ago until i got sick of all the Kinect crap that MS was spewing out.
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