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Why would someone beable to make it so no one can view his or her journal? Why then would they make a blog.

What Grinds My Gears 9

People that say chicken. When there isnt  a chicken around. If there doing the chicken dance, thats different. Some people the chicken is sacred and were eating it. Since when do BBQ chicken walk around, maybe we should feed these chickens to those sacred people.

And that people is what grinds my gears.

What Grinds My Gears 8

When people jump to conclusions without verifying the truth. These people are people that think if its done one way, it can only be one way done. Also those who think there not not all that.

And that people is what grinds my gears.

What grinds my gears 7

Do you now how people get new things and then walk around with it every where just to dhoe it off. Well they think there cool, but others think there retarded. Some people don't care most.

What Grind my gears 6

Some are cool and always having fun, but once there turn 18 there so un cool. They think there all that. Also want nothing to do with anyone younger. They then lose friends becoe loners and start doing drugs, eventually they get kicked out and have a kid with a hore and then struggle for the rest off there life. Until they kill themselves for having an unsuccesful life. This is only for some. And that people is what grinds my gears.

What grinds my gears 5

Why do people so LMAO i read it as (Lam-a-o) then i have to think oh ya there just trying to complament something there not aware of. So the next time someone says that ask them, what's so funny? and that people is what grinds my gears.

What grinds my gears 4

Those who hate someone because someone else does. Like what you like, don't be someone you want not to be. And that people is what grinds my gears.

What grinds my gears 3

Is Sandra Bullock really white or is she another micheal jackson. Who actually watch's her in the movie Miss Congeniality. What if she is a he. Ya you heard me. There's nothing wrong with trans, but it is disterbing to say shes hot when its a he. She wanted to be tina turner. black And that people is what grinds my gears.

What grinds my gears 2

People that have a sick mind. My joke are for those who don't have one. Then they report it and i get banned. But people not knowing the truth is the problem, only those who do will enjoy my jokes.